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nextrends Asia

nextrends Asia is a platform showcasing upcoming education, research, innovation and policy trends from China, India, Israel, Japan, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan and Australia, and how Switzerland’s innovation players engage with them. We have partnered with the two Swiss Leading Houses responsible for bilateral science & technology collaboration with Asia – ETH Zurich and ZHAW – as well as with the think tank, Asia Society, for content and insight collaboration.


nextrends Asia aims to explore trends in fields such as health, energy, social innovation, AI, blockchain, electric vehicles and mobility, etc. and puts a spotlight on areas in which Asian countries are emerging as important technology players.


This is an initiative of the Swiss global network in Asia that connects the dots in science, technology, education and innovation. It is an offshoot of nextrends, published by Swissnex San Francisco, that surfaces insights and ideas on the forces shaping the emergent future.







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swissnex Network in Asia

The swissnex Network in Asia collaborates with a broad spectrum of partners related to international research and innovation, supporting them in their outreach and active engagement in the global exchange of knowledge, ideas and talent. These primarily include:


Higher education and research institutions
Governmental and publicly funded institutions
Startups and innovation driven companies
Non-governmental, non-profit organizations
Creative industries linked to education, research, or innovation


swissnex is an initiative of the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation and is part of the Confederation’s network abroad managed by the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs. The activities of the swissnex Network in Asia are based on a collaborative approach, relying on public and private partnerships and funding.

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Alessandra Apicella

Head, Science & Technology Office, Seoul, Embassy of Switzerland in South Korea

David Biegeleisen

Innovation Officer, Embassy of Switzerland in Israel

Dr. Felix Moesner

Science Consul & CEO, Swissnex in Japan

Duncan Wang

Senior trade officer, Trade Office of Swiss Industries, Taipei

Indraneel Ghose

Senior Thematic Advisor for Research, Education & Innovation, Embassy of Switzerland in India

Ji Yeon Lee

Project Manager at Science & Technology Office, Seoul, Embassy of Switzerland in South Korea

Kyoko Suzuki

Head, Science & Technology Office, Tokyo, Embassy of Switzerland in Japan

Joël Henri Brunner

Science Counselor, Embassy of Switzerland in Singapore

Didier Vuarnoz

Head (ad interim), Science & Technology Office, Embassy of Switzerland in China

Lisa Susan Abraham

Junior Communications Manager, Swissnex in India

Sebastien Monnet
Science, Technology & Education Advisor, Embassy of Switzerland in Australia

Jonas Brunschwig

CEO, Swissnex in India & Consul General of Switzerland in Bangalore, India

Philippe Roesle

CEO, Swissnex in China & Head, Science, Technology and Education, Embassy of Switzerland in China

Vatsala Shrivastava
Managing Editor, nextrends Asia

Yasuko Matsumoto
Officer, Science & Technology Office, Tokyo, Embassy of Switzerland in Japan

Langyuan Ma

Communications Coordinator, Swissnex in China

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